Archive | November, 2016

saco hair

#richardashforth and #pierresaintsever from #sacohair live onstage creating this beautiful shape in #London this week for #noise #DCIeducation x

saco hair

Gorgeous shapes by the very talented team at #sacohair #DCIeducation x

tony ricci

Stunning shape, texture & colour by #hairfashionstyler & #tonyricci #DCIeducation x

tony ricci

Stunning shape, texture & colour by #hairfashionstyler & #tonyricci #DCIeducation x

tony ricci

Stunning shape, texture & colour by #hairfashionstyler & #tonyricci #DCIeducation x

Akos bodi

Stunning shape by #Akosbodi #DCIeducation x

hui choi

Stunning shape by #huichoi #DCIeducation x

saco hair

Gorgeous classic shape by the very talented team at #sacohair #DCIeducation x

saco hair

Gorgeous classic shape by the very talented team at #sacohair #DCIeducation x

Sydney Tafe

Thank you #SydneyTafe for an opportunity to inspire our next generation of young and talented hairdressers. I loved every minute. #DCIeducation x