Archive | January, 2016

djambrose hair

Congratulations #darrenambrose #djambrosehair for winning this years British Hairdresser Of The Year #hairdressersjournal #bha #bha2015 #DCIeducation x

djambrose hair

Stunning shape by #djambrosehair for #hairdressersjournal #bha #bha2015 #DCIeducation x

djambrose hair

Stunning shape by #djambrosehair for #hairdressersjournal #bha #bha2015 #DCIeducation x

sophie springett

Stunning shape by #sophiespringett for #bha2015 #DCIeducation x  

sophie springett

Stunning shape by #sophiespringett for #bha2015 #DCIeducation x

sophie springett

Stunning shape by #sophiespringett for #bha2015 #DCIeducation x

mark leeson salons

Stunning shape and#haircolor by #markleesonsalons#DCIeducation x #bha2015

mark leeson salons

Stunning shape and#haircolor by #markleesonsalons #DCIeducation x #bha2015

mark leeson salons

Stunning shape and#haircolor by #markleesonsalons #DCIeducation x #bha2015

hob salons

Stunning #minimal shape and texture by #hobsalons #dcieducation x