Stunning editorial hair by #DanieleDeangelis #DCIeducation x
March 20, 2018 /
nicolas jurnjack
Stunning edgy editorial hair concept by the very talented #nicolasjurnjack #DCIeducation x
March 20, 2018 /
nicolas jurnjack
Stunning edgy editorial hair concept by the very talented #nicolasjurnjack #DCIeducation x
March 20, 2018 /
nicolas jurnjack
Stunning edgy editorial hair concept by the very talented #nicolasjurnjack #DCIeducation x
March 20, 2018 /
Mark Leeson
Stunning shape & texture by the very talented #MarkLeeson #DCIeducation x
March 20, 2018 /
Mark Leeson
Stunning minimalist shape by the very talented #MarkLeeson #DCIeducation x
March 20, 2018 /
Eugene Souleiman
Stunning detail by the extremely talented #EugeneSouleiman #maisonmargiela #hautecouture #johngalliano #DCIeducation x