DCI Education Integrates Education

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The folks at the DCI Education know that people all learn in different ways, so they have developed an integrated approach to hairdresser education. Here is their take:

“Just as every client is different, every hairdresser learns differently.

At DCI EDUCATION, you won’t receive off-the-shelf, production line courses. Instead, we offer an integrated approach, tailored to bring out the best in you and your salon.

Led by celebrity stylist and industry pioneer Dario Cotroneo, our team of inspirational educators provides leading-edge, customised training to the best hairdressers in the industry.

The 3 pillars of DCI stem from our philosophy of Dream. Connect. Inspire.

DREAM your goals and elevate your career to the next level with a course at DCI INSTITUTE.

CONNECT with DCI ONLINE for affordable, portable education. Boost your skills any time, anywhere.

INSPIRE your team with DCI IN-SALON training. We have developed specialised programs for the best in the business, from high-end boutique salons to national chains.”

You can check this story online @ salonfixer.com here.

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